Position of mouse: Directs camera view

Enter: Wormhole setting

Space: Starfield setting

R: Change color of stars

    - Natural colors of stars (taken from B-V Color Index)

    - Rainbow colors

    - Pastel colors

    - Monochrome colors

T: CHange shape of stars

    - Rectangular

    - Circular

F: Lengthens trails of comet tails

G: Shorten trails of comet tails

Z: Stars appear deeper into the screen

X: Stars appear closer to the screen

A: Accelerates leftward rotation speed

D: Accelerates rightward rotation speed

W: Accelerates speed of stars toward screen

S: Decelerates speed of stars toward screen

C: Increase size of stars

V: Decreases size of stars

Q: Moves the generation of stars to left

E: Moves the generation of stars to the right

Y: Moves the generation of stars to the top

H: Moves the generation of stars to the bottom